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Die SIG7.ALAN = Nabnītu-Liste und das Konzept der semitischen Wurzel

Seiten 17 - 37

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.161.1.0017


This article addresses the Akkadian-Sumerian SIG7.ALAN = Nabnītu list (as edited by Finkel 1982) in the framework of Semitic lexicography at large. Of special interest is the question of whether and to which degree the author of the list already had a procedural or even declarative understanding of the Semitic root system. In this context, the phenomena of “phonological attraction” on the one hand and “semantic attraction” on the other hand play a crucial role. The article also points out that native Semitic lexicography did not necessarily share the present “Western” concept of the root as an abstract discontinuous morpheme.


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