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Die Authentizität der Umaiya Ibn Abī ṣ-Ṣalt zugeschriebenen Gedichte II

Seiten 39 - 68

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.161.1.0039


The authenticity of the poems ascribed to Umaiya Ibn Abī ṣ-Ṣalt (died ca. 630 ce) is a long-disputed matter. The number of opinions is equivalent to Umaiya's importance as a possible source for the history of religion immediately before the rise of Islam. The present author has traced the discussion in general in an article published 1996. Here, the outlines of the debate are summarized and updated first, and then the comments of Western and Arab specialists on single poems, fragments and verses are presented in detail in order to encourage further research.


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