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Amar Annus / Alan Lenzi: Ludlul bēl nēmeqi. The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns 2010. lvi, 68 S. (State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 7.) ISBN 978-952-10-1334-8. $ 35,—.

Seiten 218 - 220

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.163.1.0218


1 See M. P. Streck: “Der Parallelismus membrorum in den altbabylonischen Hymnen.” In: A. Wagner (ed.): Parallelismus membrorum. Fribourg/Göttingen 2007 (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 224), pp. 167–181. See also the extensive bibliography on parallelism by K. Adam/ V. Golinets/ C. Schefe/ A. Wagner: “Auswahlbibliographie zum Parallelismus membrorum.” In: Wagner 2007, pp. 273–295.

2 W. G. Lambert: Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Oxford 1960, p. 31.

3 A. R. George / A. C. V. M Bongenaar: “Tablets from Sippar: Supplementary bibliography etc. for Leichty, Catalogues VI–VIII, up to the end of 2000.” In: Orientalia 71 (2002), pp. 55–156.

4 A. R. George / F. N. H. al-Rawi: “Tablets from the Sippar Library VII. Three wisdom texts.” In: Iraq 60 (1998), pp. 187–206.

5 W. G. Lambert: Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Oxford 1960, p. 344

6 F. Thureau-Dangin: Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). Paris 1912 (Textes cunéiformes du Louvre 3).


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