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Dukayn: One Poet or Two?

Seiten 365 - 382

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.163.2.0365


Arabic literary history knows two rajaz poets named Dukayn, viz. Dukayn ibn Rajāʾ and Dukayn ibn Saʿīd, both active in the early 8th century. The present article aims at showing that the existence of Dukayn ibn Saʿīd is dubious and his name, at least as a rajaz poet, should be deleted from literary history. The earliest source mentioning him is Ibn ʿAsākir's (d. 571/1176) Taʾrīkh madīnat Dimashq. In addition, the article collects all biographical data available on Dukayn.


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