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Was it sūrat al-baqárah? Evidence for Antepenultimate Stress in the Quranic Consonantal Text and its Relevance for صلوه Type Nouns

Pages 81 - 90


This article revisits the problem of the orthography of III-w nouns belonging to the CaCaCat pattern in the Qur'anic Consonantal Text. The third radical of these nouns is spelled with a waw in the unbound state, but with an alif when followed by a pronominal clitic. Scholars have offered a variety of solutions to account for this anomaly, ranging from the influence of Aramaic to Arabic-internal sound changes, but none has so far been entirely satisfactory. In this paper, we integrate the understanding of this spelling into the broader issue of the collapse of triphthongs in Arabic, concluding that the collapse of the triphthong awa, and the quality of the ensuing monophthong, was dependent upon the position of the accent.


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