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Zum Paradigma der Raumdarstellung in altjapanischer Literatur. Mythische und ästhetische Räume in Man'yōshū und Kojiki

Seiten 179 - 205

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.168.1.0179

Ansgar Nünning proposes a three-dimensional model to understand the phenomenon of spatial representations in literature. It consists of three axes, and my paper is focusing on the axis of selection, i. e. the paradigm from which the patterns for spatial descriptions are selected, in order to examine the different conceptions, representations and evocations of space in Japanese literature of the seventh and eighth century. The texts are selected from the genres of poetry and prose, and the underlying assumption is that spatial representations in poetry are much more extensive due to the fact that poetry possessed more ways to enunciate the subtleties of old Japanese grammar such as aspect and tense.

The fundamental distinction of spatial representations is based on Ernst Cassirer's model of the “mythical, esthetic, and theoretical space”. However, in order to conduct detailed examinations more specific means are indispensable. These are provided by Andreas Mahler's three methods to elaborate literary spaces and Gerhard Hoffmann's distinctions of space types. The overall aim of the paper is to contribute to the reconstruction of the ideas, conceptions, and representations of space in pre-Heian Japan.


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