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On ïKIzLKNM:tẅktI:KRAtrm:yẄgrtI in the 52th Line of the Tuñuquq Inscription

Seiten 135 - 149

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.168.1.0135

The letter groups tẅktI and yẄgrtI of
ïKIzLKNM:tẅktI:KRAtrm:yẄgrtI in the 52th line of the Tuñuquq inscription have been regarded as
converbs. The letter group tẅktI has been read as tökti, tökti (tökäti?), töküti, or tükäti. The letter
group yẄgrtI has been read as yügürti, yügürü, or yegirti. Tekin 1994 (p. X) listed 9 spelling errors or insufficient spellings
in the Tuñuquq Inscription. One of them is k(ä)lti instead of k(ä)lürti. This k(ä)lürti is written as k(ä)lüti
in the northeast side of the Kül Tegin Inscription. Tök-(or tükät-) is a transitive verb, whereas yügür- is an intransitive verb.
The causative form of tök- is found later for the first time as töktür-, not töküt- in Dīwān Luyāt at-Turk (p.
354). Therefore, the form töküt- is problematic. If tök- (töküt-, or tükät-) and yügürt- were
right, then their objects would have the accusative suffix -n. But, qanïm and tärim do not have this suffix. The positive aorist form
yügürt- is found as yügürtür in Dīwān Luyāt at-Turk (p. 633). Therefore, the converb of this verb would be
yügürtü, not yügürti.

Considering these points, the author regards the third letter group ???? as a misspelling of ?????, i. e. tök(ü)lti “it was shed (or poured out)”. The
letter groups in question can be now read as qïzïl qanïm tök<ül>ti qara tärim yügürti “My red blood was shed (and) my black sweat flowed” and they are
parenthetical clauses within the sentence tün udïmatï küntüz olormatï išig küčüg bertim ök “Without sleeping by night or getting rest by day, I gave my


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