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The Coffin Texts Spells 94–96 and 488–500 as Liturgy of Ontological Dissociation. The Meaning of “sḥr bℨr ẖℨt” and its Context

Pages 275 - 300


The relationship between text and ritual is a long-standing topic in Egyptian funerary literature studies. Thus, the idea of continuity underlying the different corpora, and in the specific case that we are discussing, it is obvious, not only by referring to the previous compilation, but to later corpora. The group of texts which we will analyze forms a unit that in the whole of the CT presupposes a special category inasmuch as it relates with the bℨ separation of the corpse—with emphasis in sexual relationships (94–96 series). This series gives the deceased the ability to reconstitute his funerary personality, while another series (488–500 series) implicates the full ontological assumption arising from the restitution of corpse movements and its facilitation by the gods, and the remodeling of certain components such as the bℨ, the ℨ and the šwt. The importance of this series of statements of liturgical character as well as the ontological mobility of funerary substances, in particular the corpse -ẖℨt- and the bℨ will be analyzed.

Buenos Aires

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