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Spiritual Practice in the Arabic Hagiography of the Chinese Ǧahrīya Sufi Order

Florian Sobieroj

Pages 155 - 181


The hagiography of the Chinese branch of the Naqšbandīya order of Islamic
mysticism called ğahrīya has been recorded, in the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, in some Arabic and Persian language texts. These include
stories about the founder of the Sufi order, Ma Mingxin (d. 1781), and his
successors in the first few generations and many of the literary units revolve
around the contemplative discipline declared obligatory for the followers of the
brotherhood. Ma Xuezhi gives a description, in his Kitāb
, of the works which include practices believed to have
been transmitted to Mingxin during his sojourn on the Arab peninsula. Besides
offering a positivist approach description of the practices on the basis of the
hagiographical writings, some codicological reflections will also be included in
the presentation.


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