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Notizen zu aramäischen Texten aus Hatra und Umgebung

Marco Moriggi

Pages 313 - 326


The contribution features a study regarding a group of Hatran Aramaic inscriptions. This selection of texts includes both published (but later neglected) and unpublished inscriptions. By means of new pictures and a thorough analysis of previous literature, some innovative proposals about transliterations and translations could be provided. The texts were furthermore included in the numeration of Hatran Aramaic texts according to the latest outcomes of the scholarly discussion.

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15 Moriggi, M. 2010a: ,,Recent Studies in Hatran Aramaic Texts.” In: Mesopotamia 45, S. 123–132.

16 Moriggi, M. 2010b: ,,Varia Epigraphica Hatrena.” In: Parthica 12, S. 69–79.

17 Moriggi, M. 2012: ,,Middle Aramaic: Outlines for a Definition.” In: L. Bettini / P. La Spisa (Hrsg.): Au-delà de l'arabe standard. Moyen arabe et arabe mixte dans les sources médiévales, modernes et contemporaines: Atti del III Convegno AIMA / Proceedings of the 3 rd AIMA Symposium. Firenze (Quaderni di Semitistica 28), S. 279–289.

18 Moriggi, M. im Druck: ,,Aramaic Ostraca from Kifrin.” In: C. Lippolis (Hrsg.): Kifrin. Una roccaforte sull'Eufrate. Torino.

19 Moriggi, M. / I. Bucci 2019: Aramaic Graffiti from Hatra. A Study based on the Archive of the Missione Archeologica Italiana. Leiden/Boston (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 99).

20 Müller-Kessler, Chr. 2016: ,,Edessa, Hatra, and Palmyra: a Florilegium of Inscriptions from the Fertile Crescent.” In: Aram Periodical 28, S. 471–483.

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