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On the Caucasian Persian (Tat) Lexical Substratum in the Baku Dialect of Azerbaijani. Preliminary Notes

Artyom Tonoyan

Pages 367 - 378


Caucasian Persian, also known as the Tat or Caucasian Tat language, was dominant
in various parts of historical Shirvan, in particular in the Absheron Peninsula,
up to the middle of the 19th century. According to Berezin, who
travelled along the east coast of the Caspian Sea during 1842–1849, there were
only 6 villages in Baku Province, where people were speaking “Turkish”, i. e.,
the Azerbaijani language. Later on, the process of Turkicization resulted in the
progressive spread of the Azerbaijani language and the nearly complete
assimilation of Caucasian Persian in Absheron Peninsula, but some lexical traces
of this Iranian language have been preserved in most of the dialects of
Azerbaijani. This article is devoted to the examination of the Caucasian Persian
lexical substratum in the Baku dialect of Azerbaijani. Some Caucasian Persian
lexical units attested in the aforementioned dialect are investigated in this
paper as a preliminary study.

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