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On a Proverb in the Kül Tegin and Bilgä Kagan Inscriptions

Yong – Sŏng Li

Pages 141 - 152


Many parts of the Kül Tegin and Bilgä Kagan inscriptions are the same with each other. These inscriptions are now much damaged when compared with the data of more than 100 years ago. Therefore, the inscription pictures taken by early researchers are very important, but in fact, over the past 100 years, researchers have overlooked the importance of these inscription pictures. In particular, the inscription pictures in the Finnish edition in 1892 and in the Radloff's edition in June 1893 of the Orkhon inscriptions are very important, since they are ahead of the time when Vilhelm Thomsen officially announced his success in deciphering the Turkic “runic” script on December 15, 1893. Nevertheless, all the studies, including Thomsen's research, have been based on the typeset text of the Finnish edition or Radloff's later editions and used these materials repeatedly. Many errors have occurred in the process of typesetting and editing the types of Turkic “runic” script, which researchers have not noticed. One of these errors is the first word of a proverb in the 8th line on the south side of the Kül Tegin inscription and in the 6th line on the north side of the Bilgä Kagan inscription.

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