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Susan A. Spectorsky: Women in Classical Islamic Law. A Survey of the Sources. Leiden/Boston: E. J. Brill 2010. IX, 223 S. (Themes in Islamic Studies 5.) ISBN 978-9-00421-151-3. € 49,—.

Seiten 258 - 261

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.164.1.0258

London (Ontario)

1 J.E. Tucker: In the House of the Law. Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine. Los Angeles / Berkeley 1998; A. Zomeño Rodriguez: Dote y matrimonio en al-Andalus y el norte de África. Estudio sobre la jurisprudencia islámica medieval. Madrid 2000; R. Yossef: Marriage, Money and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society. Cambridge 2005; M. Shatzmiller: Her Day in Court. Women's Property Rights in Fifteenth-Century Granada. Cambridge, Mass. 2007.


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