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Ordinal Numbers in Middle Assyrian

Seiten 15 - 26

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.165.1.0015


The ordinal pattern PaRiS was used throughout the attested history of the Assyrian language. Despite earlier claims against it, the pattern is amply attested in Middle Assyrian. The occurrence of another pattern PaRāSī did not replace PaRiS, but both were used in different functions. We find PaRāSī as an adjective for secondary quality and secondary or tertiary sizes. The only probable ordinal function of PaRāSī is when it is used in texts of land lots. What remains unclear is the origin of the new pattern, but perhaps it may be linked to the pattern of some cardinal numbers, with a nisbe ending attached. Such a formation of ordinal numbers can also be observed in other Semitic languages.


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