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An Early Persian Precursor to the Tales of Sindbād the Seafaring Merchant

Seiten 127 - 141

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.167.1.0127

Discussing a specific tale in context, the present essay is a contribution to the study of pre-modern Middle Eastern narrative culture. The tale under consideration is contained in the anonymous Muǧmal at-tavāriḫ va-'l-qeṣaṣ (Compendium of History and Tales), a historical work compiled in Persian early in the twelfth century. In terms of narrative motifs, the tale of the king of Ḥimyar's adventures contained in the Muǧmal at-tavāriḫ overlaps with the later tale of Sindbād the seafaring merchant's fourth adventure to such an extent as to consider the former a precursor to the latter.


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