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Die Suche erzielte 13 Treffer.

Tao 道 and Fa 法 in the Taoist Cult of Marīci 摩利支天大聖 and a Coastal Cult in Present-Day Northern Taiwan. Basic Aspects of the Study of Taoist Religion and Folk Religion research-article

Florian C. Reiter

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Jahrgang 171 (2021), Ausgabe 2, Seite 459 - 478

The divinity Marīci 摩利支天大聖 was a T'ang-import that came to China with Tantric Buddhism. Marīci turned Taoist and became a Thunder divinity known as Mother of the Dipper 斗姆. The presentation illustrates and scrutinizes the development under the perspective of Tao 道 and Fa 法, the latter term meaning ritual and exorcist methods 道教法術 in religious Taoism. The article compares the findings again referring to Tao and Fa, with the results from a study of an unorthodox coastal cult in Northern Taiwan that is realized in a Yin-miao 陰廟, which means a cult beyond the limits of officially recognized religion.

Exorcist Taoism, Shamanism and Buddhism in the Analysis of Religious Taoism in the Periods Sung to Yüan research-article

Florian C. Reiter

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Jahrgang 170 (2020), Ausgabe 1, Seite 191 - 214

Exorcist Taoism, Shamanism and Buddhism are components of Chinese religious life in the Sung and Yüan periods. The presentation shows the impact of shaman and Buddhist elements on Taoist exorcism and also considers essential tendencies of pre-Sung Taoism. The Taoists of the Sung and Yüan periods inherited from the T'ang period almost antique exorcist traditions that had developed in still earlier epochs of Chinese history and continued unabated to flourish in the periods in consideration. The presentation shows that shamanism, mostly represented through mediums and Tantric Buddhism did neither alter nor end the original constitution of Taoist exorcism which is also featured.

Current Issue

Issue 1 / 2024