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Mon Studies and Professor Forchhammer. The Admiration that Destroys

Seiten 391 - 410

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.162.2.0391


Much of Professor Forchhammer's research in Burma in the 1880s remains unpublished. Some of this missing work has turned up in the archives of the India Office Library, London. It enables us to estimate the significance of the work that remains lost. It is now possible to see late nineteenth century scholarship on Burma in a new light. I offer part of that new view: that which pertains to the study of the Mon culture of Burma.


1 Forchhammer, E. 1880: Report for the year 1879–80. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 29 August 1880 IOL W 987(a)).

2 Forchhammer, E. 1881: Collection and preservation of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 7 May 1881 IOL P/1595 May 1881 A 11).

3 Forchhammer, E. 1882 a: Report on the archaeological and literary work of Professor Forchhammer. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 27 June 1882, IOL P/1803 A July 22).

4 Forchhammer, E. 1882 b: „Indo-Chinese Languages.‟ In: Indian Antiquary July 1882 issue, pp. 177–189.

5 Forchhammer, E. 1882 c: Disposal of objects of archaeological interest in British Burma. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 6 February 1883 IOL P/1986 A February 1883 17).

6 Forchhammer, E. 1882 d: „Introductory Remarks.‟ In: John Jardine (ed.): Notes on Buddhist Law. By the Judicial Commissioner, British Burma. Part III. Rangoon.

7 Forchhammer, E. 1883a: „Introductory Preface.‟ In: John Jardine (ed.): Notes on Buddhist Law. By the Judicial Commissioner, British Burma. Part IV. Rangoon.

8 Forchhammer, E. 1883 b: „Notes to Mohavicchedani.‟ In: John Jardine (ed.): Notes on Buddhist Law. By the Judicial Commissioner, British Burma. Part VI. Rangoon.

9 Forchhammer, E. 1883 c: „Notes on Dhammavilasa.‟ In: John Jardine (ed.): Notes on Buddhist Law. By the Judicial Commissioner, British Burma. Part VII. Rangoon.

10 Forchhammer, E. 1883 d: „Remarks on Mohavicchedani.‟ In: John Jardine (ed.): Notes on Buddhist Law. By the Judicial Commissioner, British Burma. Part VIII. Rangoon.

11 Forchhammer, E. 1883 e: Notes on the Early History and Geography of British Burma. 1: The Shwedagon Pagoda. Rangoon.

12 Forchhammer, E. 1884 a: Notes on the Early History and Geography of British Burma. 2: The first Buddhist mission to Suvannabhumi. Rangoon.

13 Forchhammer, E. 1884 b: Archaeologist's Report for 1883–84. Rangoon (unpublished: undated IOL V/10/499, pp. 94–95).

14 Forchhammer, E. 1884 c: Preservation of articles of antiquarian interest in this province. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 18 November 1884 IOL P/2185 December 1884 A18).

15 Forchhammer, E. 1884 d: Notes on the Languages and Dialects Spoken in British Burma Rangoon (unpublished: IOL 7701.c.1).

16 Anonymous [E. Forchhammer] 1884 e: List of objects of Antiquarian and Archaeological Interest in British Burma. Rangoon.

17 Forchhammer, E. 1885 a: The Jardine Prize: an Essay. Rangoon.

18 Forchhammer, E. 1885 b: King Wagaru's Dhamma-Satthana Text, Translation and Notes. Rangoon.

19 Forchhammer, E. 1885 c: Archaeologist's Report for 1884–85. Rangoon (unpublished: undated IOL V/10/500, p. 70).

20 Forchhammer, E. 1885 d: Proposals for the Special Training of Native Students in Epigraphical and Historical research. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 3 May 1885 IOL P/2431 A May 18).

21 Forchhammer, E. 1885 e: „Introduction‟ to Moung Tet Pyo: Customary Law of the Chin Tribe. Rangoon, pp. i–ix.

22 Forchhammer, E. 1886: Archaeologist's Report for 1885–86. Rangoon (unpublished: undated IOL V/10/501, pp. 70–71).

23 Forchhammer, E. 1887: Archaeologist's Report for 1886–87. Rangoon (unpublished: undated IOL V/10/502, p. 63).

24 Forchhammer, E. 1889 a: Archaeological Report for 1887–89. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 18 June 1889, IOL 7701.c.1).

25 Forchhammer, E. 1889 b: Supplementary Archaeological Report for 1887–89. Rangoon (unpublished: dated 10 August 1889, IOL 7701.c.1).

26 Forchhammer, E. 1891: Pagan I. The Kyaukku Temple. Rangoon.

27 Forchhammer, E. 1892 a: Antiquities of Arakan. Rangoon.

28 Forchhammer, E. 1892 b: Inscriptions of Pagan, Pinya and Ava, deciphered from the ink impressions found among the papers of the late Dr. E. Forchhammer. Ed. by Taw Sein Ko. Rangoon.


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