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An Old Turkic Epitaph in Runic Script from Xi'an (China). The Epitaph of Qarï čor tegin

Seiten 115 - 128

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.164.1.0115


In the surroundings of Xi'an (Chang'an), China several Chinese epitaphs dedicated to the memory of Uigur officials of the Tang court have been discovered. The bilingual (Chinese, Old Turkic) epitaph under discussion here was discovered in the surroundings of Xi'an, too. It is a unique epitaph, as it is the only one discovered so far in the central parts of the Tang empire containing an Old Turkic inscription in Runic script. The Old Turkic part of the epitaph stands at the left end of a much longer epitaph in Chinese; both are engraved on a Chinese tombstone of the Tang dynasty. By content, the Old Turkic and Chinese parts of the epitaph are only loosely connected with each other. The Old Turkic part consists of seventeen lines, each line consisting of one to two words. It can be divided into three sections: Section one tells the name of the deceased as well as the names of some of his relatives; section two states that a funeral feast had been held by the Chinese emperor; section three gives the date when Qarï čor tegin was buried.



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