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Śatapatha Brāhamaṇa II.1.2.3; a Coincidence or a Challenge?

Pages 381 - 397


The astronomical observations in Śatapatha Brāhamaṇa II.1.2.3 and associated passages in this Brāhmaṇa have been re-examined to determine what the composers of these passages would have seen in the sky. It is shown that the observation of Kṛttikās described in ŚB II.1.2.3 must have been made before 2250 bce. Examination of other nakṣatras close to the celestial equator at 3000 bce shows that the Vedic observers did not mention these nakṣatras because these nakṣatras were far from east and in some cases below the horizon when Kṛttikās were visible at dawn in the east.


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