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Ein neues syrisch-aramäisches Amulett

Shabo Talay, Stefanie Rudolf, Youssef Kouriyhe

Pages 289 - 308


A recently discovered paper amulet from an unknown source, which was purchased at a flea market in Berlin, demonstrates that Syriac amulets have found their way even into Berlin's markets of curiosities and exotics. This contribution provides an edition, a philological analysis of the incantations included, as well as an annotated translation of the “Berlin amulet”. Looking back on the research in the field of Syriac magical texts and its current state also challenges the view into the future. It aims to give a new impulse to study this genre, which so far has hardly been systematically explored. The amulet texts, which have long been neglected as subject of scientific studies, are indeed of the utmost relevance, for they provide important insights into the living traditions of popular beliefs and religious practices, and testify to the linguistic peculiarities of a language community threatened with extinction.

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