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Die Demonstrativa, die sogenannte nota accusativi und der Artikel in der phönizischen Sprache von Byblos: die Stele des Königs Jeḥaumilk (KAI 10)

Pages 309 - 339



The demonstratives occurring in Phoenician texts from Byblos are z (sing. m. and f., variant ʾz, plur. c. ʾl) and zn (f. zʾ), besides the anaphoric demonstrative hʾ (sing. m. and f., plur. m. hmt). The article presents a reconsideration of the controversial difference between z and zn. As the traditional semantic criterion of distance cannot resolve the problem, the two demonstratives are considered as distance-neutral. As a result of the pragmatical analysis of the two demonstratives, one (zn) can be considered as presentative, the other (z) as non-presentative. The reason why both demonstratives are used side by side only in inscriptions from Byblos, is simply due to the fact that Phoenician inscriptions from outside Byblos are not complex enough to show differentiation between figure and ground, as is the case in the famous inscription of king Jehaumilk of Byblos (KAI 10) on which this study concentrates.

The presentative demonstrative zn is, in addition, considered along with the so called nota accusativi ʾjt or ʾt as well as the article h-. As has been demonstrated for Biblical Hebrew, the nota accusativi serves mainly as a figure-marker and by virtue of this also as a structuring element of hierarchisation. As far as can be seen, this holds good also for Phoenician. As for the article, it can be seen by considering the inscriptions of Jeḥimilk (KAI 4) and of Jeḥaumilk (KAI 10) that its original function is not morphological determination of a noun. Rather, h- serves as an indicator of specification (apposition, demonstrative after genitive/construct state, relative phrase or coordinated noun phrase) following (immediately or not) the noun. The addressee is thus rightly traced back to the relevant noun—a device excluding misinterpretations.


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