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Michael Waltisberg: Satzkomplex und Funktion. Syndese und Asyndese im Althocharabischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2009. XI, 393 S. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur—Mainz. Veröffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission 52.) ISBN 978-3-447-05993-0. € 58,—.

Seiten 247 - 251

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/zeitdeutmorggese.164.1.0247


1 Brackets mark non-main clauses. Abbr.: VprefL long prefix conjugation, VprefS, short prefix conj., Vsuff suffix conj., Onoun object noun phrase, Snoun subject noun phrase, Spron subject pronoun, PA active participle, NCl noun clause, CC circumstantial clause.

2 W. Wright: A grammar of the Arabic language. Vol. 2. Cambridge 1898, p. 20A.

3 C. Brockelmann: Arabische Grammatik. Leipzig 191977, § 153.

4 B. Isaksson: “Introduction” and “An outline of comparative Arabic and Hebrew textlinguistics”. In B. Isaksson (ed.): Circumstantial qualifiers in Semitic: The case of Arabic and Hebrew. Wiesbaden 2009, p. 117.

5 Isaksson 2009, pp. 4, 7.

6 In such cases the wa is often dropped (Wright 1898, p. 331D), which means that the question of asyndesis contra syndesis is of little interest.

7 R. M. W. Dixon: “The semantics of clause linking in typological perspective.” In: R. M. W. Dixon / A. Y. Aikhenvald (eds.): The semantics of clause linking: A cross-linguistic typology. Oxford 2009, pp. 28–30.

8 Isaksson 2009, pp. 14–19; W. Raible: Junktion. Heidelberg 1992; C. Lehmann: “Towards a typology of clause linkage.” In: J. Haiman / S. A. Thompson (eds.): Clause combining in grammar and discourse. Amsterdam 1988, pp. 181–225.

9 C. Matthiessen / S. A. Thompson: “The structure of discourse and ‘subordination’.” In: Haiman/Thompson 1988, pp. 290, 299; Isaksson 2009, p. 1.

10 B. Isaksson: “Archaic biblical Hebrew poetry: The linking of finite clauses.” In: B. Isaksson / M. Persson: Strategies of Clause Linking in Semitic Languages. Wiesbaden (forthcoming). Traces of this syntax is found also in Akkadian in the ittašab [ibakki] construction, P. Streck: “ittašab ibakki ‘weinend setzte er sich’: iparras für die Vergangenheit in der akkadischen Epik.” In: Orientalia 64 (1995), pp. 83, 87–88. As Streck has pointed out non-main clauses with VprefL after a narrative VprefS or “Perfekt” has many parallels in other Semitic languages and the Akkadian variants with or without syndesis marker (-ma) are identical in meaning.

11 S.-O. Dahlgren, Göteborg 1998; reviewed by B. Isaksson in Orientalia Suecana 53 (2004), pp. 165–185; cf. Isaksson 2009, pp. 37–38.

12 Such a terminology is that of ‘clause linking’ in Dixon's sense, see further B. Isaksson: “Subordination: Biblical Hebrew.” In: G. Khan (ed.): Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Leiden, vol. 3, pp. 657–664; and B. Isaksson: “Clause linking strategies in the narrative and instructional discourse of Joseph's speech in Gen. 45: 3–15.” In: Journal of Semitic Studies 59,1 (2014).


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