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Zur Abtreibung in frühen islamischen Texten

Thomas Eich

Pages 345 - 360


This article analyzes approaches toward abortion in ḫadīth collections covering a
time span 2nd-4th centuries AH /
8th-10th centuries CE. It shows that three approaches
can be distinguished which I label “gradualist”, “binary”, and “expiation”
approach. In later sunni fiqh discourse the first did not have
a lasting impact and the second and third where merged into one standard
approach. Shī'i collections from the 10th century show a strong
emphasis on the gradualist approach and a much smaller interest in the binary
approach while the expiation approach is entirely lacking. Further, this article
argues that traces can be detected which help to situate the abortion material
in Sunni and Shī'i collections in the larger framework of Late Antiquity
discussions about ensoulment. These discussions knew three possible points in
time, when the soul could be imagined to reach the new (emerging) human being:
conception, pregnancy, and birth. The Sunni material clearly excludes conception
from the discussion, but apparently had no fixed stand concerning the
pregnancy-vs.-birth-debate for some time. The Shī'i material includes early
pregnancies much more consistently into its reflections. It can be shown that
the concept of ensoulment at the 120th day of pregnancy, which
eventually became the overarching concept structuring the abortion debates of
Muslim religious scholars, was not an intrinsic part of the debates
8th-10th centuries CE.


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