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Zhao Rong 趙榮/Lothar Ledderose 雷德侯 (eds.): Shaanxi Province. Vol. 1. Jinchuanwan Cave, East Wall. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag / Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press 2020. 640 S. ISBN 978-3-447-11462-2. € 198,-.

Florian C. Reiter

Pages 532 - 536



1 Die Transliteration rGal in der Anmerkung muss zu rGyal verbessert werden.

2 P. K. Sørensen: Tibetan Buddhist Historiography. The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies. An Annotated Translation of the XIVth Century Tibetan Chronicle: rGyal-rabs gsal-ba'i me-long. Wiesbaden 1994.

3 Page numbers refer to the English translations.

4 The symbol T# refers to the titles in the Buddhist Canon, Taishô shinshû daizôkyô 大正新修大藏經. 85 vols. Tôkyô 1924-1932.


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