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Die Farben des Koran. Semantik und Funktion der koranischen Farbbezeichnungen

Pages 117 - 145



The semantics of colour terms in Preislamic Arabic diverge in various ways from Classical and Modern Arabic. This has to be taken into consideration for an authentic translation of the colour terms in the Qurʾan. This article contains a systematic presentation of the nomenclature of colours in the Qurʾan with a semantic commentary based on the meanings of Arabic colour terms in Preislamic Poetry as analysed by W. Fischer. The Qurʾanic inventory of colours is placed in its context within the History of language and the quantitative distribution and contextual functions of the colour terms in the Qurʾanic text are explored. They illustrate the chronological development in the use of colour terms in the course of the Qurʾanic revelation—from the varying secundary colour terms in the early Meccan Suras to the reduction of the Qurʾanic colour spectrum to the two contrasting primary colour pairs abyaḍ/aswad and aḫḍar/aṣfar in Medinan times.


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